Tips for Working out In the Summer

Summer Work out Tips

Physical Therapy tips for better summer workoutsGetting a summer workout can be grueling between all the Bar-B-Ques, vacation plans, weekends to the shore, entertaining kids, and that four letter word that never ever goes away: WORK.  Coupled with the increased heat and humidity the dog days of summer bring it is amazing people are able to continue to get their workouts in at all.  Here are a couple tips to help get you through the day and keep those workouts coming:

  • Plan It: People are able to stay more consistent when they plan their workouts into their today lists, daily planner, or calendars.
  • Grab a Friend: Participation increases when you workout with a buddy.  It provides a greater commitment when someone else is relying on you to show up but it can provide a small boost of competitiveness.
  • Listen to Tunes:  Don’t only grab the tunes that grab you but research has shown that if you choose songs with tempos 1-2 BPMs (beats per minute) greater than what you are used to listening too it will help increase your work rate and can turn your pain, breathlessness, and inner voice screaming stop into a positive experience.
  • Be an Early Bird: One of the more common traits between the most successful CEOs in the country is to get a work out in before 8am.  Not only do they say it helps set the tone of the day, it puts them first in their priorities before the stressors of the day.   But, in the Summer working out in the morning has the added benefit of being at one of the coolest and less humid times of the day!
  • Wear the right gear:  Summer training clothes should be light, reflective, and if at all possible made of a material that is breathable and wicks sweat away from the body, for example Under Armour’s Heat Gear.  If all you have is cotton then bring a few spares to change into as the more saturated with sweat cotton gets the less sweat is evaporated and the greater chance of overheating.

Hopefully, these quick tips will help you achieve your fitness goals through the summer!


Injuries could occur anytime you’re getting after it, even in the lazy days of the summer months.  If you get hurt instead of waiting for your Doctor to come back from vacation give us a call! We can get you in for an evaluation and get you back to the summer workouts you love!